Best posts

Unlike millions of people, I do not have the willpower to keep a journal without outside encouragement. So at the beginning, I decided to keep this blog public: You, the reader, vitally assist me to keep going on this project of learning how to deal with my appetite for stuff.

Your hits, likes, shares, follows, and outbound clicks really have helped my morale. Thank you so much for them.

(By the way, I don’t get any recompense or reward at all if you click on a link or even buy anything I highlight here. I don’t get samples or freebies or pay or anything like that. I write about stuff out of sheer fascination.)

It seems right to list a few entries you may have missed that you might enjoy the most. I intend to keep this list of a manageable size by adding and deleting occasionally.

Please pardon my quoting myself: “As with rosebushes, asceticism involves pruning down the deadwood to what may look like a pathetic stub of the former bush, but which is actually the vital, living part, the only part that is capable of growing and blooming.”

With thanks to you all,
Ascetic Shopper


November 28, 2013

The post that attracts the most readers:
Hoarding, shopaholism, and materialism

How to be a philanthropist:
Forsaking all others: To choose a charity

How to buy gifts for others:
Shopaholism by proxy, part 2

About the philosophical basis of this blog:
Thinking of buying? Think about buying

Most popular post about an item I choose not to buy:
A burst upon the palate

I do not have the space to acquire more stuff.

I do not have the space to acquire more stuff.

One thought on “Best posts

  1. New “best posts” page | Ascetic Shopper November 29, 2013 at 12:09 am Reply

    […] I’m excited to tell you about a new page in the top menu (the red ribbon). The page links to what I think are the best posts from my blog to date, things I don’t want to get buried. If you were brought here by a search engine, these posts probably relate to your interests. If you’ve been reading this blog already, take a look to see if you missed any of these posts when they were first published, with my thanks to you. Click here to go directly to the “best posts” page. […]

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